Kangaroo, Atari.                               Typed in by Barry Brumitt

2 boards.

56 pin logic board:
        W  - 5v Ret (ground)
        19 - -Sense (tied to ground on PCB?)
        21 - +Sense (tied to ground on PCB?)
        Y  - 5v
        Z  - 12vDC
        D  - invert (tie externally to 16)
        16 - ground (tie externally to D)
        C  - sound (tie externally to 18)
        18 - ground (tie externally to C)
        T  - Spkr Ret (ground?)
        15 - Speaker
        A  - Start 1
        1  - Start 2
        6  - Punch
        E  - Left
        F  - Down
        4  - Right
        5  - Up
        U  - Ground (for controlls)

        B  - L coin
        2  - R coin
        17 - gnd
        14 - Coin Ctr L 
        S  - Coin Ctr R
        J  - Test
        V  - Gnd

Video Board (20 pins?)
        H  - 5v return (Ground)
        J  - 5v 
        K  - 12v
        L  - -5v

        E  - Video Gnd
        C  - Blue
        B  - Green
        A  - Red
        D  - Negative Composite Sync
(Between the two there is a 50pin cable, straight through)
For more info, contact, belboz@frc2.frc.ri.cmu.edu

 Internet: musjndx@gsusgi2.gsu.edu      Fidonet: Jonathan Deitch@1:133/411.7
           jdeitch@gisatl.fidonet.org   Bellnet: 1 - (404) - 261 - 3665
Atlanta 1996 !! | Play Pinball !! | Don't Panic ! | "I hate it when I can't
--------------------------------------------------| trust my own technology!"
"Thrills!  Chills!  Magic!  Prizes!" -- Hurricane |    -- Geordi LaForge

Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Asimov, Jim Henson, Dr. Seuss, Mel Blanc ... Sigh ...