Here are the pinouts to Super Pac-Man.  The first part of this file contains
original information pulled from the manual.  At the end of this file, Scott
Lemon was kind enough to test the pinouts and he gives the minumum set of pins
needed to get the game to actually work.
--Dave Holcomb
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Super Pac-Man pinouts
Midway, December 1982
There are three boards to the Super Pac-Man boardset:
   CPU Board         A084-91436-D316
   Video Board       A084-91435-C316
   Credit Bypass Bd  A082-91348-0000
The CPU board is labeled with:
      [@ location 2M]
      c1982 BALLY MIDWAY MFG. CO
      [@ location 3K]
      [@ location 4J]
And the video board is labeled with:
      [upside down, @ location 5L]
             VIDEO P.C. BD
             SUPER PAC-MAN
      c1982 BALLY MIDWAY MFG CO.
            PATENT PENDING
I do not know if the credit bypass board has any distinguishing features or
not.  The diagrams do not show the board.
The CPU board has a 9-pos connector at label J1, a 20-pos connector at label
J2, and a 10-pos connector at location J3.
The video board has an 11-pos connector at label J1.
The credit bypass board has a 7-pos connector.
CP = Control Panel
PS = Power Supply
Cred = Credit Bypass Board
CPU = CPU Board
The game is powered using these supply outputs:
+5V DC          @ 4A
+5V DC (UNREG)  @ 2A     [coin meter only]
-5V DC (-SENSE) @ 0.45A
+12V DC         @ 2A
Here are the pinouts for the CPU, Video, and Credit Bypass boards:
J1 CPU Board (9-pos)
Pin | Definition
  1 | Not Used
  2 | Gnd (to speaker)
  3 | Speaker
  4 | Key
  5 | Not Used
  6 | P2 Down
  7 | P2 Left
  8 | P2 Up
  9 | P2 Right
J2 CPU Board (20-pos)
Pin | Definition
  1 | P1 Down
  2 | P1 Left
  3 | P1 Up
  4 | P1 Right
  5 | Not Used
  6 | Service
  7 | Coin Meter (and to Cred/4)*
  8 | Not Used
  9 | Key
 10 | P2 Start
 11 | P1 Start
 12 | P2 Fast
 13 | P1 Fast
 14 | Tilt (and to Play/Test switch)**
 15 | Gnd (to CPU/J3-3)
 16 | (from Cred/7)
 17 | Not Used
 18 | Not Used
 19 | Not Used
 20 | Not Used
* Note: It looks to me like pin 7 is inverted before it reaches the Coin
Meter or Credit Bypass board pin 4.  The symbol used is "-->|".  The ">"
is a triangle.  On the other side of the coin meter, the diagram shows
the trace going to UNREG +5V on the power supply.
** Note: Tilt shares it's ground with coin switch 1, coin switch 2, and
Cred/3.  Also, pin 14 goes to a Play/Test switch (I don't recognize the
symbol for this switch), which gets its ground from CPU/J3-2.  I assume
this Play/Test switch is the kind where you pull it out to put the game
into test mode.
J3 CPU Board (10-pos)
Pin | Definition
  1 | Gnd (to PS and from CP common ground)
  2 | Gnd (to PS and from Play/Test switch)
  3 | Gnd (to PS and from CPU/J2-15)
  4 | -SENSE (to PS)
  5 | +12V (to PS)
  6 | Key
  7 | +5V (to PS and from Cred/6)
  8 | Not Used
  9 | +5V (to PS and from CPU/J3-10)
 10 | +5V (to CPU/J3-9)
J1 Video Board (11-pos)
Pin | Definition
  1 | Shield*
  2 | Comp Sync (-)
  3 | Comp Sync (-)
  4 | Key
  5 | Gnd
  6 | B
  7 | Gnd
  8 | G
  9 | Gnd
 10 | R
 11 | Gnd
* Note: There is a note about the shield that says, "pined at logic; out at
monitor jack".  I have no idea what the shield is for.
Credit Bypass Board (7-pos)
Pin | Definition
  1 | Coin Sw#1
  2 | Coin Sw#2
  3 | Gnd (to PS/16)
  4 | (from CPU/J2-7, inverted, and to Coin Meter)
  5 | Key
  6 | +5V (to CPU/J3-7)
  7 | (to CPU/J2-16)*
* Note: the Credit Bypass board schematic shows pins 1, 2, and 4 as being
on the same trace.  I have a feeling that CPU/J2-16 can just be considered
the Coin Switch pinout if you don't have a Credit Bypass board.
I don't really feel like labeling all the power supply (A082-90421-0000)
pinouts.  But I had already written this information down since I was
referring to it in various places of the schematics, so here it is:
Power Supply (22-pos)
1   Audio Circuit, unreg filtered
2   -5V/0.45A
3   +12V [to coin door and control lights/2A, unreg aux., V.]
4   Reset
5   V.Batt
6   Key
7   +12V/2A
8   +12V/2A [connected to 7]
9   -SENSE
11  Gnd [control lights return]
12  Audio Circuit [connected to 11]
13  Gnd
14  Gnd
15  Gnd
16  Gnd [from Cred/3]
17  Counter Drivers (~8V, unreg +5V) [from coin meter]
18  +5V/4A
19  +5V/4A [connected to 18]
20  Key
21  +5V/4A [connected to 18]
22  +5V/4A [connected to 18]
Feel free to correct any misinformation you find in this pinout.  If you
let me know (, I will correct the copy of this pinout
located on
--Dave Holcomb
Hi Dave,
I finally got all my Molex connectors I was waiting for, so I got to wire
up my Super Pacman this weekend! And it works, with a few minor mods to
your pinout. The only problem was getting around the coin bypass board,
which wasn't difficult. Anyway, here is the amended info, you might want
to merege it with the one you sent me.
Super PacMan Wiring Notes
Scott Lemon, 12/2/95   (
1. The credit bypass board is not required to get Super PacMan running.
J2-8 appears to be the coin pin, although it is marked "Not Used" on your
pinout. J2-15 has no effect as a coin pin.
2. I used Molex 0.156" crimp terminal housings to wire up a harness,
these worked well. I wouldn't recommend soldering directly to the pins
unless you were desperate.
3. Not all the pins need to be connected to work. Looking at the traces,
 many appear to be common. The following pinout works correctly:
 CPU Board
 J1-2  Speaker Ground
 J1-3  Speaker
 J2-1  Joystick Down (Player 1)
 J2-2  Joystick Left (Player 1)
 J2-3  Joystick Up (Player 1)
 J2-4  Joystick Right (Player 1)
 J2-8  Coin
 J2-10 Player 2 Start
 J2-11 Player 1 Start
 J2-13 Player 1 Fast
 J2-15 Ground - looped over to J3-3
 J3-1  Ground
 J3-2  Control Ground  (this was spare so I used it)
 J3-3  Ground - looped over to J2-15
 J3-4  -5V
 J3-5  +12V
 J3-7  +5V
 Video Board
 J1-1  Coin Ground  (this was spare so I used it)
 J1-2  Composite Sync (-)
 J1-6  Blue
 J1-8  Green
 J1-10 Red
 J1-11 Video Ground